Recent and Upcoming
Farming with Nature, Canada’s National Observer, Opinion, December 22, 2022
Alex Lyon, Hannah Wittman and Harriet Friedmann, 2021. Can public universities play a role in fostering a Seed Commons? Cultivating seed sovereignty through community university partnerships. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
IAASTD+10 Advisory Group, Transformation of our Food Systems: The Making of a Paradigm Shift, Reflections on IAASTD Ten Years On, Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Foundation on Future Farming) and Biovision, 2020. Free to download at
Canadian Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity, and Sustainability Studies. Now is the time to Build Sustainable Food System Resilience, July 15, 2020.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity, and Sustainability Studies. Deep Dive: Infrastructure Investments for a Greener, More Resilient and Sustainable Country: Ideas and Considerations for Canadian Decision-Makers. ipotltics June 22, 2020.
Pandemic Reflections from Toronto, 2020, Agriculture and Human Values 37: 3, pp. 639-40 (Topical Collection Agriculture, Food, and Covid-19)
Tomaso Ferrando, Isabel Álvarez Vispo, Molly Anderson, Sophie Dowllar, Harriet Friedmann, Antonio Gonzalez, Chandra Maracle & Nora McKeon (2020) Land, territory and commons: voices and visions from the struggles, Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2020.1783819
“Reinventing Food Systems for Sustainability,” Opening Keynote, Sustainable Food Summit (theme: Circular Economy), San Francisco, 22-23 January 2020
Capitalism and Food Regimes, Interview on Against the Grain, KPFA, October 29, 2019
Structural Transformation of the Countryside, Workshop Global Change Local Conflicts (GLOCON), Free University of Berlin, Hotel Aquino, Berlin, 24-25 October 2019
“Diets and Cuisines in Biocultural Landscapes,” Keynote, Conference “Sustainable Food Systems < > Sustainable Diets,” The American University in Rome Graduate School, Rome, Friday, 11 October 2019.
Panel, Which data sets support family farming? A challenge for the UNDFF, Side Event, Committee on Food Security, FAO, Rome, October 2019. Organizers: Pierre-Marie Bosc and Rufan Yuan, FAO.
Food, Climate Change and Migration - Public Engagement Forums, Simon Fraser University, 14 September 2019.
Interview on Biodiversity and Food for “Project Save the World”, February 2019
Foreward, Diversity of Family Farming Around the World, eds, Pierre-Marie Bosc, Jean-Michel Sourisseau, Philippe Bonnal, Pierre Gasselin, ÉlodieValette, Jean-François Bélières. Springer and Éditions Quae. 2019. Translation of the original French edition published by Quæ in 2014: Diversité des agricultures familiales. Exister, se transformer, devenir.
Visiting Scholar, Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Study, University of British Columbia, February 16-March 23, 2019
Visiting Fellow, Pufendorf Institute of Advanced Studies, Lund University, 24 April-24 May 2019
Keynote, International Research Meeting on Transitioning to Perennial Polycultures, Why we need to reinvent agriculture: Lessons from disrupted civilizations about reconnecting soils and diets. Lund University, May 2019
American University in Rome 50th Anniversary Lecture, Contesting Pathways to Sustainable Diets, April 23, 2019
Steve Gliessman, Harriet Friedmann, and Phil Howard, Agroecology and Food Sovereignty, Bulletin of Institute for Development Studies, 2019
Jennifer Blesh; Lesli Hoey; Andrew D Jones; Harriet Friedmann; Ivette Perfecto, Development pathways toward "zero hunger". World Development 118, June 2019, Pages 1-14
The Awkward Class: A Foundation for Peasant Studies, “Classics” Review of Teodor Shanin’s 1972 book, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46: 5, pp.1096-1105 2019
Visiting Scholar, Sustainable Food Systems Initiative, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, September-December 2018
Workshop on Democratic Governance and Crisis of Democracy, Siena, Italy, October 21-23, 2018
3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Food in an Urbanized Society, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 17-21, 2018,
Invited Researcher Laboratoire d'Excellence des Etudes Mediterranée, Aix-Marseille University, and Centre Norbert Elias, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Marseille, March-May 2018, including lectures, "Migrant Labour in Food Regime Perspective," "Métabolisme de Villes Globales" (MUCEM), "Landscapes and Commons: Questions for Democratic and Sustainable Governance," "Corporate-Environmental Food Regime: Green Capitalism?"
Workshop on Climate governance in action – performativity, virtuality and quotidian practice, Walchensee near Munich, May 4-6, 2018
American University in Rome, Lecture "Metabolism of Global Cities", April 9, 2018
University of Calabria, Cosenza, "Migrant Labour in Food Regime Perspective", April 11-12, 2018
Senior College Seminar, University of Toronto, "Metabolism of Global Cities", March 7, 2018
Metabolism of Global Cities: London, Manchester, Chicago, 2018 in Terry Marsden, ed. Sage Handbook of Nature, Section on Urban Natures: Sustainable Communities (ed. Alison Blay-Palmer).
Towards a Natural History of Foodgetting, 2017. Sociologia Ruralis 57: 2, pp. 245-64.
Paradox of Transition: Two Reports on How to Move Towards Sustainable Food Systems. 2017. Development and Change 48: 5, pp. 1210–1226. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12329
Transforming Global Governance in the Post-2015 Era: Towards an Equitable and Sustainable World, 2017. Globalizations. Summary by Nora McKeon of Dialogic Symposium on “Inclusive, equitable, accountable and transformative global governance in the post-2015 era,” CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 14 March 2016,
Paradox of transitions: connecting incremental changes with deep transformations in food systems 2017. Inaugural lecture, National Research Meeting on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security, UFPR/Campus Jardim Botânico, Curitiba, Brazil, November 8-10
ICAS-Etxalde Colloquium - The future of food and agriculture, Bilbao, April 24-26, 2017
Future of Food in a Climate Changing World: Global Alliance for the Future of Food 2nd International Dialogue, and Sequestering Carbon in Soil: Addressing the Climate Threat, summary panel, May 3-4, Paris, May 1-3, 2017
Interview (in English) on food regimes and Regulation Theory, with Gilles Allaires and Benoit Daviron, in Revue de la Régulation 20: 2 Autumn 2016. Régulations agricoles et formes de mobilisation sociale.
Advisory Board, The Toronto City Region Food Systems (CRFS) project is one of seven CFRS in the CityFoodTools project, also including Utrecht (The Netherlands), Lusaka and Kitwe (Zambia), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Quito (Ecuador and Medellin (Colombia). Partners are RUAF International (Coordination), FAO-Food for Cities, and Wilfred Laurier Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems. Goals are to map and assess city region food systems by identifying indicators that can be used to model and compare CRFS, identify opportunities for change towards greater sustainability, and serve as a baseline and monitoring for city region food policies and strategies. 2016-17
Food Regime Analysis and Agrarian Questions: Widening the Conversation. 2016. Journal of Peasant Studies 43: 3, pp.671–692, Contribution to the Bernstein-McMichael-Friedmann Dialogue on food regimes, food sovereignty, farming systems.
Seeds, Soils, and Politics, Wenner-Gren Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, September 7-14, 2016
Visiting Professor of Political Economy, Carleton University, Fall 2016
50 Years of Debate on Peasantries, 1966-2016, Keynote Plenary, XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, August 10-14, 2016. Talks to appear in Journal of Peasant Studies.
Plenary Panel (with Lauren Baker), Re-Rooting Toronto's Food Region: Academic, Policy and Practical Perspectives, Canadian Association of Food Studies/Agriculture and Human Values/Society for the Study of Food in Society, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, June 23, 2016
Food Sovereignty and Social Peace: Rights, Human Security and Governance Challenges, Roundtable, International Studies Association, March 16-19, 2016, Atlanta
Review, Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde, April 2016
Selection Committtee, Studies in Political Economy book prize, 2016
Recent Publications in Canadian Food Studies, Journal of International Law and International Relations, Journal of Peasant Studies, Sociologia Ruralis; chapter in Koc, et. al. Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, 2nd ed. (see publications pages)
Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute, The Future of Food: Sustainability, Trends & Challenges, Lecture: What is a Sustainable Food System? Collingwood ON, Canada, 15 January 2016
Visiting Professor, Department of Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies, International Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University), The Hague (2014-2016) February 2016
Visiting Professor, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, Ottawa Fall 2016